Merdeka series 3/31 (Jalur Gemilang)


Red, yellow and today, white hibiscus. There is not blue hibiscus so there won’t be a blue flower appearing here tomorrow.

More info on the Jalur Gemilang (until I can find something else to focus on)

Why “Jalur Gemilang”

Jalur (pronounced jah-loor) – A Malay word meaning a band or stripe of colour. The 14 parallel red and white stripes symbolise a common mission, a common direction and a virtuous path followed by the peoples of all states regardless of creed, race and religion.

Gemilang (pronounced guh-mee-lung) – A Malay word meaning bright, brilliant, resplendent or excellent.

Jalur Gemilang represents the excellence of the peoples and the nation of Malaysia in every field, be it at national or international level. Jalur Gemilang symbolises a nation and peoples who are hard-working, patriotic, strong, courageous and prepared to sacrifice for the race, nation and religion.

:: Source – Department of Information, Malaysia, June 1997

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